Petting sheep at Iona (by Naomi)



Today was another beautiful sunny day on the island of Iona. We walked to the North beaches to hunt for special rocks and play in the sand and water.


On our way back, as we walked through the field, I went to a momma sheep that was laying on the ground, and I bent down and started to pet her.  It just stayed there, munching on the grass.  Her wool coat was fuzzy and soft.  I could feel the oil on the wool and it reminded me of the wool we had felt in the wool spinnery back in Vermont.




Later on the path, we came across a group of mommas and lambs.  Some of them were nursing.  But this one little baby lamb had an orange jacket on, and it was trying to find its mommy.  It was going from sheep to sheep, but they were butting him away—even the other baby lambs.  Finally, it found its momma and started to nurse.
