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GRATITUDE!  That is the word that continues to fall from my lips every time I think about, talk about, or dream about this sabbatical.  How grateful I am, we are, for this remarkable GIFT!   When Erik and I were dating I said to him, “I need you to know that I want to have a family, and someday I plan to take my children overseas to live for a while.”  (Just wanted him to know what he was getting into, should this relationship continue!)  Now, seventeen years later, here we are, our family poised on the threshold of this magnificent adventure!  God has blessed us so richly, and we are grateful!!!

When I was a child I lived in Nigeria and Ethiopia for five years.  That experience shaped my life in profound and lasting ways.  I have always been grateful to my parents for giving me this remarkable gift!  On our final journey home to the States our family took three months and traveled through the Far East.  How excited and thankful I am that now my own two children, Kai and Naomi, will get to have a similar experience of traveling abroad for several months of their childhood, experiencing different cultures and taking in all that awaits us on this journey!

My dear friend Neil, life-long family friend and experienced world traveler, in response to my query about what were the most essential things to take on this trip, said, first and foremost, “curiosity and a sense of humor.”  He then added a number of other very important things, including “patience by the boat load — not a row boat or a ship but an aircraft carrier full,” and “respect and admiration for the people we will meet along the way.”  Thank you, Neil, for your words of wisdom!  We know they will serve us well as we begin this journey of a lifetime!

So with these things added to our “Sabbatical Toolkit,” we set off, hearts full, hands open, and spirits ready to encounter all that God has in store for us!  Blessings and love to all of you, dear friends and family!  Thank you for all you have done to support us along the way, and all you continue to give by being present in our lives!