Easter week on Iona

The residents of MacLeod Center gather before Easter dinner.

The residents of MacLeod Center gather before Easter dinner.

St. Martin's High Cross

St. Martin’s High Cross








Throughout our time on Iona we have lived in community with people from around the world, including Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Nigeria, Columbia, Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.  Through the week, as we’ve shared meals, faith conversations, music, pilgrimages, worship, and playful moments, strangers have become friends.

The sun rises on Iona Easter morning
The sun rises on Iona Easter morning

The deep history of Iona as a holy place of pilgrimage has left its mark on us.  This Easter morning, as we gathered before dawn outside the stone chapel that has witnessed burials for over a thousand years, and walked under high crosses that have marked this ground as Christ’s domain since the 8th century, we heard that joyous proclamation in the voices of the women, “He is not here!  He is risen!”



P1070322As we continued our festive celebration of the Resurrection in the Abbey Chapel, we lifted a prayer for the celebration other Christian communities around the world–including Seattle–will share as the sun makes its way across the face of the globe.  Christ is risen indeed!  Alleluia!


Easter morning worship in Iona Abbey


